Alyssa you're 6 months old!!
You're back to waking up during the night, but only once for a quick 6oz bottle and then back down until early morning.
You love pulling Emmas hair, and she lets you because she loves your giggle!You're starting to make sounds, not just noise "mamamama, dadada, bababa, gagaga"
You're wearing size 3 diapers, and 6-9 month clothes (but quickly moving to 9-12). We aren't wearing shoes right now because you've discovered your feet and aren't happy if there is more than a sock!
Tiff and Carl let us borrow Hunters old jumper, and that is one of your favorite places to be, you still love the swing and take some of your naps there (but are getting better at napping in the crib!)'re most favorite places to hang out are on the floor so you can wiggle and roll!
We took you to see Dr Williams yesterday, she specializes in vascular birth marks. You were pretty good for the appointment! She measured and took pictures and decided your periorbital hemangioma was one that would require treatment and because of its placement wouldn't go away all on its own, it could potentially cause vision problems or disfigurment/sagging skin around your right eye. She decided to start you on Propranolol 2ml BID and possibly follow up with laser treatment if needed. This medication is usually used to treat hypertension, its a beta blocker. Before we started this you had your first EKG, normal sinus rhythm. And then we gave the first dose in the office with lots of blood pressure checks. The potential for hypotension is there, but as long as you take it with your feedings we shouldn't have problems. The dose is so low that Dr Williams doesn't see any adverse affects, but we will still be careful.You did great, but didn't like the nasty taste so we diluted it in your bottle (thankfully you were hungry!) Mommy was hoping we'd get the "keep watching and waiting, it will fade on its own", but I am glad that we are taking this path and hopefully this won't affect you in the long term. But I know I'm raising strong girls and no birth mark is going to hold you back! I love you so much and was up checking on you all night, you are the sweetest little thing and I would trade sleep for seeing your cute face any night :)
and an edited picture, of what we are hopeful for this time next year....
Came across your blog while doing some reading about babies on Propranolol. Funny enough, I'm a mom, wifey & RN with an Emma as well ;)