Thursday, June 30, 2011

Embarrassing Mommy moment of the week…

I absolutely love my daughters outgoing personality, she loves to chat with anyone who is ever next to us.

Take tonight for instance…We headed to Chik-fil-a to have dinner (since Daddy is working very late) because they were hosting a fundraiser for a local family who recently lost their father/husband.  Typical Emma, she made friends with the little girls at the play-place and had 40 minutes of giggling girl fun! Then came time to trade in her toy for icecream (because you can do that at chik-fil-a, and it’s awesome), we took it outside to enjoy. The table next to us had an older couple with a small dog having dinner, Emma quickly befriended them and gave their sweet puppy lots of attention-with their permission first. All was good, until out of NOWHERE, Emma reaches onto the ladies plate and grabs some croutons from her salad!!!! Red faced, embarassed me ran to her and made her apologize. Not to mention the three other families out there burst out laughing. I’m just thankful it was such a nice woman and she wasn’t phased and refused my offer to buy her another salad. I sat Emma down and told her taking food off of someones plate was a no-no, and I think I apologized to the woman 5 times.

I’m not sure but I think that may beat the time she yelled out anatomically correct terms for her girly parts in target.


Pregnancy is going great, Alyssa moves so much and is doing some serious growing! We purchased her crib tonight, $200 for a $440 crib, I love sales! I just need to find a bedding set that I love that is not crazy overpriced.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the crib! Can't wait to help you paint and set up! :]
