Tuesday, June 26, 2012

8 months!

Alyssa you are 8 months old now! You are doing a super slow, very concentrated crawl! You also put everything in your mouth...
Nothing can be left within reach, and with your long arms this is a hilarious challenge. You have knocked my drink off the table, pulled your food onto your tray and other funny things (mostly funny to Emma!) 
You are able to sit yourself up now from laying down, I usually find you sitting up in your crib in the morning. 
You are just starting to feed yourself some finger foods, gerber puffs, scrambled eggs and we even had some chikfila! Mommy even gave you a taste of sweet tea, you were one happy baby!! 
You are starting to wave bye bye, but not consistently. You can babble things like BABA, MAMA, DADA...but you're mostly just making noise.
...speaking of noise, everyone everywhere comments on how loud of a baby you are. Your voice is something else!  I wouldn't change a thing, because I think its the sweetest noise I know!
 You are your mommas snuggle bug! I cried the other night because I got home too late and you were already asleep. But don't worry sweet girl, I got to snuggle you for that middle of the night feeding you refuse to let go :)
We love you sissy!

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