Thursday, May 28, 2009

lazy blogger

It seems that I'm not very good at keeping up with the blogging world! Lots of things have been going on.

-Emma is sitting up on her own and rarely falls over :)

-I had my first ever visit to the ER and am still visiting a GI doc who can't seem to find the source of my abdominal pain

-I started weight watchers and tomorrow is the end of week two! (down 5lbs after week 1!)

-I started the 30 day shred...1/30 done HAHA

-working more since Harry isn't out of town...lots of healthy beautiful babies being delivered


We enjoyed memorial day weekend, and I enjoyed working memorial day and getting holiday pay + shift diff! We took Emma to the beach, her first time...

She's getting such a personality, and is a total goofball! She is loud and laughs all day long. I see her getting voted class clown :) She is 6 months old, and I can't believe how fast time is going. Her latest stats are: 16lbs 13oz and 28 inches long. Off the charts for height and 70th percentile for weight...tall and skinny like her daddy! Hope to be better at the updates this week!