Friday, September 25, 2009

Dear Time, could you please stop moving so fast?

Has it really been nearly a month since my last post?
Yes. We've been busy! Emma is really keeping me on my toes these days, so sad that the "baby" stage is fading away and she is quickly learning how to be a "toddler". Though for the record, she IS STILL MY BABY and technically still in infant stage (ahem, crazy lady at the mall). Yes, I had a run in with some crazy woman at the mall who called my baby girl a toddler, clearly she doesn't know how hard it is for a mother to accept that...or am I alone? (aka crazy)
My Weight loss, is slow. I cheat, more often than I should. I am not losing nor am I gaining, I'm ok with that. Well not really. My goal was 158 by Emma 1st Birthday, I'm at 166 and she's 10 months old. I'm in a size 10, same size I was when I gradauated high school, and got married. I'd like to be a size 8, though I have this mental block. I can't remember ever being smaller than a 10, and I guess that subconsciencly I don't think I can do better.
I will keep trying to get to my goal. I will keep chasing my monkey of a daughter around. And I will probably keep forgetting to update my blog on a regular basis.

Have a great weekend :)